Sunday, October 21, 2012

Whoever had the idea.... I hate you. {a weekend story}

This is my new favorite picture

This weekend was the best kind of weekends. It was a long weekend. We headed to a condo in the middle of no-mans-land with best friends to forget everything and take a break from life. We played guitars, we sat in the hot tub, we laughed, we had a photo shoot, we sat outside under the moon in the most perfect weather, we talked about boys, and school, and spiritual stuff. We ate some home made pizza, and danced around the kitchen to the sound of Taylor Swift. We went to church, and fit all 13 of us on one bench, We sang some songs, and most importantly....
 we made memories.
Now whoever had the idea that we should all go back to real life..... I hate you.
But hey, Next weekend is TOFG with these lovely ladies in the picture, and the weekend after that is State Camp with my team!
So all I can say is I <3 the weekend.
Feel my Sunlight
p.s. Reading Shakespeare is bringing back so many memories, and I can hear voices playing in my head, and I want to go back. #Theaternerdatheart #Imissit
p.s.s. RED came out about an hour ago... enough said.

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